What is good for growing nails?

Despite what you've heard, nails cannot grow faster than we want them to. In general, they all grow 1 millimeter a month and there is no way that this measure is greater. However, there are some tricks to make your nails look longer and also stay strong and do not break , so they will be in continuous growth.


Use Biotin for nails

Although this supplement will not make nails grow faster, it has been shown that it will make nails strongerpreventing them from breaking. If the nails do not chip or break throughout the month, you will notice that the growth is 'faster', although they are really only being more cared for.

Biotin is sold as a dietary supplement and will improve nails, hair, and skin. Of course, talk to your GP before starting to take it or deciding how much to take. None of this should be in excess.

Nail moisturizer

Using moisturizer will make your nails look better than ever and will also allow them to grow properly because they won't break. This should be done every month of the year, but especially during winter because that is when the skin is exposed to more damage from the cold.

You can wear gloves when going out, but also wear them overnight with a little olive oil (for a more natural solution) or your favorite moisturizer. The next morning both the nails and the rest of the hands will be more cared for than ever.

Dishwasher is bad for nails

The detergents used for the dishwasher are very harmful to hands in general. Nails will break if exposed to too much of these products. So it is best to wear rubber gloves when you wash the dishes or if you are going to do some cleaning at home.

Some nail polishes are bad

Check the ingredients of the nail polishes you buy. If they have formaldehyde, toluene and sulfonamide should be avoided. These chemicals are very bad for your nails.