Some of the women do think that if they have dark chocolate skin then they are unattractive looking! But thats not true at all! If you do have dark chocolate skin then you are gorgeously blessed. But the only problem that most of the dark skin women found is selecting with the makeup that suits and complements their skin at the perfect and best level. The main issues comes during the choice of the eyeshadow color! You do think that on the dark skin tone you have to apply maximum coats of the eyeshadows to make it look prominent and attractive. But the latest trends of makeup has introduced so many shades of eyeshadow in the market that is meant for different skin tones. This makes your task quite easy in selecting with the eyeshadow shades for your dark skin complexion!


Through this post we will going to have a detail discussion about the types and various shades of eyeshadows for the dark skin complexion:

Best and Amazing Shades of Eyeshadow For Dark Skin

No 1: Avoid Blues and Whites

Firstly you should avoid choosing the shades of whites, pale blues and pale pinks. In the same way pale greens will look unattractive as well. These shades will make your skin look ashy for others. The best way to find any perfect eyeshadow shade is by checking it on your hand first. If the shade melts right into your skin then this shade is best for your dark skin. But if it makes your skin look dried out then just toss it.

No 2: Use Peach Hue Shades

Peach hues are one of those shades that give away some sort of lovely brightness to the eye without looking ashy or choppy. In simple we would say that they blend really well on dark skin. You just have to apply with one coating of the eyeshadow of it. Dont forget to try this shade!

No 3: Try Deep Bronze Shimmer Eyeshadow

In the same way we are left with the choice of the deep bronze shimmer in this shadow that hence gives the perfect amount of depth and even the warmth to darker skin tones. All you have to do is to apply it with a damp eye shadow brush in support of getting some pigmented and dramatic effect.

No 4: Lovely Burgundy Eyeshadow Shade

Women with the dark skin tone can even find with the Burgundy that will always works well with the means of dark skin tones. You are free to try with this shade in the daytime and nightime both. This will going to give your skin tone with the impression of being natural and seamless.

No 5: Awesome Bobbi Brown Eyeshadow

Coming to the next we are left with the idea of bobbi brown. This is mentioned to be the awesome highlight color as you can even used all over the lid to brighten the eye. This will going to work even best as in terms of base shade since white bases don’t amazingly blend well on darker skin. You dont have to choose with the white bases when it comes to bobbi brown. Get ready to apply it now!

No 6: Classy Bronze Eyeshadow Shade

Bronze is another one of the best eyeshadow shades that looks awesome on the dark skin tone. This shadow is accompanied with the nice shimmer that give away the glam effect to the skin. It will look best upon your skin tone in the night time. Dont miss out selecting this shade!

No 7: Find Bold Shade of Eyeshadow

Some of the women are not aware from the fact that women with the darker skin tones have more versatility as compare to the fairer-toned counterparts. No matter whether your skin is olive or mahogany you can wear any kind of makeup shade you want. Bold shades of colors can appear stand out with the dark skin tone including with the names of teals, bright reds and violets.  You will definitely going to love your skin tone!

No 8: Beautiful Sweet Pastel Shades

Just like the metallic and bright shades soft pastel shades can even turn out as attractive looking for the dark skin tone. Dont ever make the mistake of adding ash on the dark skin because it can make the skin look dirty and unattractive.   Are you ready to try this shade?

No 9: Best Metallic Shades For Dark Skin

In terms of choosing with the metallic shades the best choices are ghimmering gold plus copper and bronze shades. They are ideal to add your face with the warmth touch. You can even try using with some hint of yellow or orange shadow under the brow bone to just highlight the area. What else you want!

No 10: Cool Tones As Best For Drak Skin

Don't hesitate about using the cool tones because they can even look outstanding if the pigment quality is true.  You should just search for the shadows that are containing low amounts of titanium dioxide. You can look for the cool tones that are both rich in color and powder-based. If you have been selecting the one that are rich in creams then dont wear an eye primer underneath. Be careful while selecting!

Well there are varieties of other eyeshadows that can make you look impressive in the crowd with the dark skin tone. You can even get in consultation with the makeup artists that can assist you better that which shades can turn your the most attractive looking while walking in the crowd. Get in touch with the makeup websites to learn more about the various shades of eyeshadows for dark skin tone! Try these shades now and make your dark skin tone catchier looking for others!