1. Serengeti

Serengeti cats are a cross between a Bengal and an Oriental Shorthair cat. Serengeti’s are spotted cats with lengthy legs and large round-tipped ears. Their necks are long and do not taper, merging towards the base of the head.
Despite the fact that they are hybrids of two different species, such cats are typically healthy. Although they may live for up to 10 years, they are susceptible to common feline diseases.
2. Sphynx

This hairless cat breed was developed in the 1960s through selective breeding. Did you know that, despite their appearance, these cats aren't truly hairless? Instead, their skin is coated in tiny hairs that are believed to have a chamois-like texture. They lose more body heat as a result of this than their hairless counterparts.
Because of its amiable attitude toward outsiders and the fact that they welcome their owners at the door, the Sphynx has been described as more dog-like than a cat They live to be approximately 13 to 14 years old and require a bath every 1 to 2 weeks due to the buildup of oils on their bodies.
3. Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora, which originated in Turkey, has been documented since the early 17th century. These cats are thought to be the source of the long hair mutation and the white color pattern in cats.
Turkish Angora owners are well aware of how much care these cats want, and it is suggested that they be left alone for no more than 4 to 8 hours each day. On the other hand, these cats get along well with people and have a life expectancy of 15 to 18 years. These clever and sociable creatures also possess heterochromia, a genetic abnormality that causes them to have two distinct eye hues.
4. Kurilian Bobtail

This fluffy tiny breed originated in Russia's frigid tundra and depending on the cat, it can have a short or long coat that is continuously shedding, making brushing them a high-maintenance task. Like the Egyptian Mau, the Kurilian Bobtail is known for being highly loud and is frequently heard meowing, especially at night.
These cats are excellent companions since they are fairly friendly with people but yet want to have some alone time. Kurilian Bobtails are a reasonably healthy breed; however, diarrhea and Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease should be avoided. Aside from that, these cats may expect to live for 14 to 20 years.
5. Tonkinese Cat

These cute tiny kitties are a genuine crossbreed of Burmese and Siamese cats. Natural, champagne, blue, and platinum are the four-color variants recognized for their coats. Their characteristic aquamarine blue eyes also help to identify them.
Because it was determined that the Tonkinese has been existing since the 14th century, they are now legally recognized as a natural breed. Because of its parents, this breed is extremely energetic and vivacious, and should only be chosen by people looking for a fun feline companion.
6. Caracal

This wild cat is known for being quite secretive which makes it rather difficult to observe and can be found living in the regions of Persia, Africa, the Middle East, and etc. What makes it even more difficult to study is that these cats are mostly nocturnal and typically live alone or sometimes in pairs.
Caracals live off of a diet of small rodents, birds, and mammals but unfortunately, their habit is being threatened by agricultural expansion and desertification, which is why they’re classified as Least Concern. Female caracals are capable of reproducing a litter of around 1-6 kittens that usually go off on their own around 9 to 10 months, however, some females will stay behind for a little longer.
Female caracals may have a litter of 1-6 kittens, who generally leave the nest around 9 to 10 months, however some females will stay around for a little longer.
7. Egyptian Mau

This short-haired cat is known for its distinctive spots, making it one of the few domesticated cats with naturally occurring spots. Egyptian Maus are the fastest domesticated cat species, capable of speeds of up to 30 mph! They're also recognized for their pleasant attitude and beautiful voice.
To give you a sense of how uncommon this breed is, the Cat Fancier's Association recorded just 6,742 Maus in 2006.
8. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair remains the most famous pedigreed breed in all of Great Britain, despite being one of the oldest breeds known to exist. This is the cat that inspired another famous cat in literature, Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire Cat, as well as the meme "I Can Has Cheeseburger?"
British shorthairs typically have a blueish gray coat, although different colors and patterns, such as tabby and color point, as well as the well-known copper eyes, have been observed.
9. Norwegian Forest cat

Norwegian Forest Cats are a domestic cat breed that originated in Northern Europe. With a top coat of lustrous, long, water-shedding hairs and a woolly undercoat for protection, this breed is well-suited to a chilly environment. In Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and France, the Norwegian Forest breed is currently highly popular.
It's a large, powerful cat with long legs, a bushy tail, and a robust body, comparable to the Maine Coon breed. Because they have powerful claws, the breed excels at climbing. The breed's average lifetime is 14 to 16 years, however renal and heart problems have been observed.
10. Minskin

The Minskin cat gets its name from its small stature and cashmere-soft, sparsely covered skin, which is emphasized by short, silky fur “points” on the face, ears, legs, and tail. The Minskin’s have only been around for a decade. They were first produced in Boston in 1998 by breeder Paul McSorley, who crossed the Sphynx with the Munchkin to get the look and personality he desired.
Those kitties appear to be in good health. The Minskin has a short, non-shedding coat that is simple to maintain. Regular washing with a gentle shampoo, as with sphynxes, is required to keep the skin supple and healthy.