Most men that go to gym know very little of what really is necessary to gain mass in a healthy and effective way. They usually seek advice from others that might not work for them just as good.
Diet is a good example. A beginner should never copy the diet of a hardgainer that has been building muscle mass for years. The amount of calories needed by an individual should be 20 to 24 times his weight making it a variable value. The amount of protein needed also varies per person. For some, the amount you naturally consume in your food may be enough, while others are constantly seeking the best protein powder and shakes to supplement their diets with.


Also it seems that there are some extremely effective exercises that have been removed from the standard hardgainer workout routine. The negative lift or eccentric contraction training is an exercise that puts so much pressure on the muscles that it maximizes the muscle growth potential. The exercise consists of a lower position of the lift and placing additional weights to make the body heavier. It should be mentioned that the negative lift can cause more muscle damage than standard exercises. Soreness will intensify after this type of exercise. However, training times can be reduced as muscle growth speed increases.

To make it even more effective, negative repetition can be added. 3 reps are more than enough. The weight should be reduced after each rep. Initial load should be 105% or even 110% of the average weights the hardgainer program usually uses. A good exercise would be to push up with two hands and use only one arm to get it down. This is a difficult exercise but offers great results. If not done right the body can become completely unbalanced when only using one arm but there are techniques to deal with this problem.
There are plenty of negative training exercises and most of them can be done safely without a partner. Their effectiveness is far superior compared to standard training programs but they also cause more muscle soreness. It would be advised to perform additional research before switching to these exercises.