Looking fashionable while engaging in sporty activities doesn’t have to be impossible. It only takes one or two changes to your wardrobe to achieve a modern and different style. While you may be shopping at a professional sporting goods stores to get the style you want, there are a few easy and cheap things you can do to look good and exercise well simultaneously.
Standing out in a crowd means you’re unique. Put your own stamp on what you wear. If you’re hiking in the mountains, wear khaki pants and black boots, but wear a graphic tee-shirt and colorful scarf to keep your hair back. Men might enjoy wearing basic gym shorts while walking around a mountain trail. They’re certainly more comfortable than stiff parachute material.
Jogging in the park or your neighborhood is an activitiy that lots of people engage in. Instead of wearing baggy running shorts and a tank top, wear long thin exercise pants in your favorite color, along with a neon tee shirt – nylon or other material if you’re looking to wear more breathable material. A light, white cotton tee shirt will also do well.
An easy way to add pizzazz to an otherwise monotonous exercise outfit? Jewelry. While you shouldn’t wear costume jewelry while you exercise – fake silver and cheap plastic will leave green rings on your skin – it’s okay to wear real bling. A single gold or silver chain around your neck or wearing sparkly earrings will give your look a distinct delicate fashion, despite the fact that you’re sweating it.
Men can run in basic shorts and a graphic tee shirt. Long pants might be preferable, as boots might be if they’re running up a mountain trail. All it takes is one touch of personality to make an outfit unique!