After age 40, women are much more prone to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and obesity. They are also more likely to lose muscle mass and density of their bones. Exercise helps to slow the unhealthy consequences of the natural aging process of your body.


Only four (or more) fitness workouts of 30 minutes per week are enough to decrease your risk of getting these diseases that threaten to significantly reduce the quality of life. The rate of fitness training increases your level of “good” cholesterol, reduces your rate of “bad cholesterol”, can strengthen the immune system, burn the bad fat, build muscle healthy, rid your unwanted kilograms and make you more radiant .

When you go through menopause, fitness can reduce the symptoms of hot flashes, joint pain, mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Staying physically fit after age 40 produces a positive effect on all physiological systems of the body of a woman.

1. Aerobic (cardiovascular)

Take a brisk walk, jogging, rotation, step, dance moves, etc.. you are spoiled for choice. Your heart beats faster, your blood vessels expand, you deliver more oxygen to your muscles and it gets rid of toxins. Your brain releases endorphins (chemicals that improve your mood). You burn calories and fat.

2. Weight lifting

Raise dumbbells to build muscle and strength, increase bone density, improve posture, reduce the risk of injury to the lower back and tone your arms. Did you know that building muscle can increase metabolic rate by at least 15%? Your metabolism works faster burn more calories throughout the day. Do not be afraid to become too large with strength training, you’re just tone your body.

3. Stretching

Practice yoga or Pilates to improve flexibility, core body strength and balance. Stretching also helps your joints to maintain range of motion.

Even small amounts of fitness exercises help to improve your health. Bring bags of fruits and vegetables with you in the office or school, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further from your destination and walk the remaining distance on foot, back to the supermarket foot, etc.. all these little things can add up benefits. But before starting a fitness exercise routine, talk to your doctor about any risk factors to which you are already predisposed.

Of course you need to eat healthy too. Try to drink enough water (2 liters of water a day if possible, regularly). Eat several small meals a day (instead of the traditional 3 large meals) to boost your metabolism and follow a healthy diet for the heart that is filled with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C and E as well as selenium and zinc.